Welcome to Rogersville First United Methodist Church!
Rogersville United Methodist Church is committed to ministries of discipleship, compassion, and mission in Jesus’ name. Each Sunday morning we worship at 110 Colonial Road, Rogersville, Tennessee. The Methodist Church believes today, as Methodism has from the first, that the only infallible proof of a true church of Christ is in its ability to seek and to save the lost, to disseminate the Pentecostal spirit and life, to spread scriptural holiness, and to transform all peoples and nations through the gospel of Christ. |
Who We Are
Rogersville First United Methodist Church is located in historic downtown Rogersville, Tennessee, a small rural town in Northeast Tennessee and the second oldest town in the state.
A beautiful town in the Northeast corner of the State, Rogersville was settled in 1775 by the grandparents of Davy Crockett. In fact, the small creek behind the church is called Crockett Creek and runs into Crockett Springs Park in the heart of downtown Rogersville. Rogersville boasts several historic buildings. The beautiful Hale Springs Inn, the oldest continually-operating inn in the State, sits just across the street from our courthouse, the second-oldest still in use in the State--and is less than a mile from Rogersville First United Methodist Church. Rogersville was also the seat of the first newspaper in the state and was once headquarters for the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America, a self-sufficient community located about 15 miles from the heart of downtown. Our community has many beautiful places that we cherish, but what we cherish is the friendships that have grown throughout the decades. We pride ourselves on a strong history of friendships and love. Our history is important to us because it showcases beauty, hard work, strong bonds, and people reaching out to others. From our days as the seat of the first newspaper to the days of Pressmen's Home, we have long been interested in the WORD--and most importantly, the divine word of our Lord which gives us a firm foundation in our faith. |
Our History |
The first building occupied by the Rogersville United Methodists was a log building located on Kyle Street in 1822, about half a mile from the present church. The second building, which was started in 1857, crumbled and was never completed. The third was another frame building on the same site in 1872.
Rogersville First United Methodist Church's current location was dedicated with the setting of the cornerstone on April 16th, 1950. The first worship service was held on Sunday, August 13, 1950. Bishop Paul B. Kern delivered the sermon. Rev. W. H. Harrison and Rev. Lon Moneyhon assisted with the service. On July 4th, 1965, ground breaking for an expansion to include offices and classrooms began and was completed the following January. The Fellowship Hall, located on the lower level, is used for luncheons, Manna Kitchen, and various meetings and activities. For 183 years, this church has been spreading the gospel in word and deed. We are committed to continue that mission until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ by witnessing, teaching, preaching and outreach. We hope that you will become part of our history here! |